1108 | Large right-hand soft tissue mass in a 3-month-old girl (AP-0223) |
1107 | A pediatric patient with persistent fevers, cough, abdominal pain, and postprandial emesis (CP-0223) |
1106 | A woman in her 50s with right ear pain (AP-0123) |
1105 | An Elderly Man with Acute Thrombocytopenia Requiring Cardiac Transplantation (CP-1222) |
1104 | A female in her early 50s presented with a parotid mass (AP-1222) |
1103 | Extra-mammary Paget Disease of the Penis: A Rare Case Report (AP-1122) |
1102 | Acute Kidney Injury and Rhabdomyolysis (CP-1122) |
1101 | A long-standing slowly growing distal thigh mass in an adult female (AP-1022) |
1100 | A Male with a Suspected Seizure (CP-1022) |
1099 | A Young Woman with Easy Bruising (CP-0922, Secure Access) |
1098 | A Male with a Large Left Groin Mass (AP-0922) |
1097 | A Man in His 60's with a History of Metastatic Lung Adenocarcinoma (AP-0622) |
1096 | A Woman in Her Late 80s with Anemia (CP-0522) |
1095 | A Teenage Girl with a Brain Mass (AP-0522) |
1094 | A Woman in Her 30's with Sinus Infection (AP-0222) |
1093 | A Female in Her 50s with Asymptomatic Renal Mass (AP-0422) |
1092 | A Patient with a Medial Thigh "Lump" Thought to Be a Hematoma (CP-0422) |
1091 | A Man in His Late 30's with Renal Dysfunction, Proteinuria and a History of HIV with Recent COVID-19 Positivity (AP-0322) |
1090 | A Male in His 50s with a Renal Mass (CP-0322) |
1089 | A Male in His 50s with Urothelial Carcinoma (AP-0322) |
1088 | A Woman in Her 60's with Episodes of Loss of Consciousness (AP-0322) |
1087 | A 50-year-old Female with a Left Thigh Mass (AP-0122) |
1086 | A Man in His 30's with Brain Lesions (AP-1221) |
1085 | A Young Woman with Abdominal Pain (CP-0222) |
1084 | A Female in Her 60s with a Kidney Mass (AP-0222) |
1083 | Isolated elevated Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) Concentrations (CP-0122) |
1082 | A Man in His 40s with Numerous Bilateral Pulmonary Nodules (AP-0122) |
1081 | A Man in his Late 60s with Low Appetite and Weight Loss (CP-1221) |
1080 | Germline GATA2 Mutation in Myelodysplasia-related Acute Myeloid Leukemia (CP-1121) |
1079 | A Female in Her 70s Presenting with a Breast Mass (AP-1121) |
1078 | A Man in His Sixties with a Blue-black Dome Shaped Nodule over His Left Cheek (AP-1021) |
1077 | An Adult Male with Right-sided Weakness and Aphasia (CP-1021) |
1076 | A Newborn with Severe Hypoglycemia and Hypothermia (CP-0921) |
1075 | Adult Male with an Unusual Follicular Lymphoma Transformation (CP-0621) |
1074 | A Post-transplant Elderly Man with Abdominal Pain (CP-0521) |
1073 | A Female Child with 21q Deletion (CP-0421) |
1072 | A Young Patient with a History of Intermittent Headaches and Fevers (AP-0421) |
1071 | A Woman in Her 50's with a Flank Mass (AP-0421) |
1070 | A Man in His 30s with Hematospermia (AP-0321) |
1069 | An Adult Male with Restricted Peripheral Vision and Nystagmus (CP-0221) |
1068 | An Elderly Man with Lung Adenocarcinoma (CP-0221) |
1067 | A Man in His 50s Who Lost Consciousness (AP-0121) |
1066 | Kidd Alloimmunization During Pregnancy (CP-0121) |
1065 | An Elderly Male with a Long-standing Non-healing Ulcer (AP-1220) |
1064 | An Infant with Failure to Thrive and Developmental Regression (CP-1220) |
1063 | A Man in His 60s with Proteinuria and Peripheral Edema (AP-1120) |
1062 | Necrotizing Lymphadenitis in a Young Toddler Boy (CP-1120) |
1061 | A Patient with Altered Mental Status (CP-1020) |
1060 | A Female Patient in Her 50's with Shortness of Breath (AP-1020) |
1059 | A Young Male with Abdominal Pain and a Para-spinal Mass (AP-0920) |
1058 | A Male in His Early 70s with a Base of Tongue Mass (AP-0520) |
1057 | 9-year-old Boy with "Unusual Left Testicular Tumor" (AP-0420) |
1056 | A Female with an Anti-Microbial Refractory Fungal Infection (CP-0320) |
1055 | A Male Undergoing Therapeutic Drug Monitoring for Busulfan Dosing (CP-0220) |
1054 | The KMT2A Partial Tandem Duplication: Recurrent Cryptic Alteration in AML with Normal Karyotype (CP-0120) |
1053 | A 15-Year-Old Boy with NF Type 1 and an Olfactory Groove Tumor (COM-BP) |
1052 | An 8-Year-Old Girl with Posterior Fossa Mass (COM-BP) |
1051 | A Man in His 20s with Proteinuria and Deafness (AP-0120) |
1050 | A 65-Year-Old Man with Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage (COM-BP) |
1049 | A 67-Year-Old Man with leg Weakness and Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (COM-BP) |
1048 | A 21-Year Old Male with One-Month Histolry of Vomiting (COM-BP) |
1047 | A 13-Year Old Girl with Worsening Visual Function (COM-BP) |
1046 | A 4-Year Old Girl with a Supratentorial Mass (COM-BP) |
1045 | A 58-Year Old Male with Left Tempo-Parietal Cystic Lesion (COM-BP) |
1044 | A 70-Year-Old Man with Dystonic and Choreiform Movements (COM-BP) |
1043 | A 64-Year-Old Male with a Mesiotemporal Mass and Symptomatic Epilepsy (COM-BP) |
1042 | A Female with Chief Complaints of Fever, Productive Cough, Night Sweats and Weight Loss (CP-1219) |
1041 | A Woman in Her 60's with an Abnormal Brain MRI an Abnormal Brain MRI (AP-1219) |
1040 | A Female Infant with Fever and Pancytopenia (CP-1119) |
1039 | A Woman in Her 70s with a Clear Cell Renal Mass (AP-1119) |
1038 | An Elderly Male with Respiratory Distress Following Transfusion (CP-1019) |
1037 | A Woman in Her 50's with a Breast Mass (AP-1019) |
1036 | A 36-week Dichorionic-Diamniotic Twin Placenta (AP-0919) |
1035 | Severe acidosis in an adult female (CP-0919) |
1034 | A 55-Year Old Male with a Right Fronto-Parietal Lesion (COM-BP) |
1033 | A 63-Year-Old Male with Cauda Equina Syndrome (COM-BP) |
1032 | A 79-Year Old Woman with Headache and Acromegaly (COM-BP) |
1031 | A 45-Year Old Man with an Intraventricular Mass (COM-BP) |
1030 | A 41-Year Old Woman with a Posterior Cranial Fossa Mass (COM-BP) |
1029 | A 43-Year-Old man with Dural Mass with Bone Destruction (COM-BP) |
1028 | Adult Male with a Lytic Temporal Bone Lesion (AP-0519) |
1027 | A 62-Year Old Male with a Spinal Cord Mass (COM-BP) |
1026 | A 69-Year Old Man with an Intradural, Extramedullary Mass at TH12-L1 (COM-BP) |
1025 | A 47 Year Old Man with a Recurrent Glioma (COM-BP) |
1024 | A 77-Year Old Woman with a Right Cerebellar Leason (COM-BP) |
1023 | Gastric Biopsy from Man in His 40's - Can AI Make the Diagnosis? (AP-0419) |
1022 | A Young Adult Male with Early Satiety and Leukocytosis of 50 x 109/L (CP-0419) |
1021 | A Peculiar Mucinous Tumor of the Breast (AP-0319) |
1020 | A 37 Year Old Woman with Left Sensorimotor Seizure (COM-BP) |
1019 | A 55-Year-Old Male with 3-Week Headache (COM-BP) |
1018 | Young Male with Soft Tissue Mass of Ankle (AP-0219) |
1017 | An 8-Year-Old Girl with Blepharospasm and Left Thalamic Tumor (COM-BP) |
1016 | A 50-Yea Old Male with a Hypothalamic Mass (COM-BP) |
1015 | Molecular Testing of a Metastatic Subcutaneous Lesion (CP-0219) |
1014 | A 25-Year-Old Gentleman with a Posterior Fossa Mass (COM-BP) |
1013 | A 36-Year-Old Woman with Right Eye Ptosis and Unreactive Mydriasis (COM-BP) |
1012 | An unusual cause of liver failure leading to liver transplantation (AP-0119) |
1011 | A 32-Year Old Woman with an Intra- and Paraspinal, Extradural Mass at T1--T12 (COM-BP) |
1010 | A 82-Year Old Man with an Extra-Axial Frontal Mass (COM-BP) |
1009 | A Female in Her 60's with Diplopia (CP-1218) |
1008 | A Teenager Female with a Neck Mass (AP-1218) |
1007 | Male Toddler with Developmental Delays and Behavioral Issues (CP-1118) |
1006 | A 42 Year Old Man with Progressive Worsening Headache (COM-BP) |
1005 | A 45-Year Old Woman with Rash and Severe Weakeness (COM-BP) |
1004 | A woman in her 50s with a Lung Mass (AP-1118) |
1003 | An Infratentorial Tumor in a 44-Year-Old Female (COM-BP) |
1002 | Two Male Infants Each With A Cerebellar Mass (COM-BP) |
1001 | Man with a Testicular Mass (AP-1018) |
1000 | A Male with Recent Traumatic Splenectomy (CP-1018) |
999 | A Frontal Dural-Based Lesion in a 63-Year Old Male (COM-BP) |
998 | A 33-year Old Male with Five Years of Neck Pain (COM-BP) |
997 | An elderly Female with Anemia (CP-0918) |
996 | Alström Syndrome in an Adolescent Male and a Review of the Literature (AP-0918) |
995 | A 39 Year-Old Female with Cerebellar Tumor and Visual Disturbance (COM-BP) |
994 | An 83 Year-old Man with Fever and Speech Difficulties (COM-BP) |
993 | A 72-Year Old Female with Multiple Supra- and Infratentorial Dural Masses (COM-BP) |
992 | A 43 Year Old Woman with Headaches, Unconsciousness and Left Upper-Limb Paralysis (COM-BP) |
991 | A 41 Year Old Male with Rectal Bleeding (AP-0518) |
990 | A 66-Year-Old Woman with Progressive Dementia (COM-BP) |
989 | A 77-Year-Old Man with Parkinsonism and Rapidly Progressive Dementia (COM-BP) |
988 | A 66 Year-old Woman with Muscle Weakeness and Respiratory Failure (COM-BP) |
987 | A 3-month-old Boy with Progressive Weakeness (COM-BP) |
986 | A Bioterror Agent in the Laboratory (CP-0518) |
985 | Primordial Odontogenic Tumor with Hard Tissue Formation and Epithelial Nests (AP-0418) |
984 | A 72-Year Old Female with an Intraventricular Mass (COM-BP) |
983 | Unexpected Death of a 9-Year-Old Girl (COM-BP) |
982 | An Elderly Man with an Unusual Peripheral Blood Smear (CP-0418) |
981 | A Middle Aged Male with an Seminal Vesicle Mass (AP-0318) |
980 | A 56-Year-Old Woman with Blindness and Mental Status Changes (COM-BP) |
979 | A 36-Year-Old Man with Headache and Fever (COM-BP) |
978 | A 37-Year-Old Woman with Progressive Right Side Ptosis for One Month (COM-BP) |
977 | A 68-Year Old Woman with Multiple Sclerosis, Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma and Serisures (COM-BP) |
976 | Undetectable Luteinizing Hormone Levels in a Precocious Puberty Evaluation (CP-0318) |
975 | Middle Age Female with a Femur Lesion (AP-0218) |
974 | Thyroid, or Not Thyroid -- That Is the Question (CP-0218) |
973 | A 74-Year-Old Female with a Well Circumscribed Parietal Lobe Mass (COM-BP) |
972 | A 24-Year-Old Male with a Subgaleal Mass (COM-BP) |
971 | Molecular Testing of a Thyroid Nodule in an Elderly Woman (CP-0118) |
970 | A Term Female Nneonate with Two Oral Cavity Masses (AP-0118) |
969 | A 55-Year-old Male with Intermittent Headache (COM-BP) |
968 | A 27 Year Old Female with Multicranial Lesions (COM-BP) |
967 | A Teenage Female with an Ovarian Mass (AP-1217) |
966 | Monoclonal IgG/kappa in a Woman in Her 80s (CP-1217) |
965 | A 60 Year Old Woman with Multifocal Subcortical Infarcts (COM-BP) |
964 | A 72 Year Old Male with a Slow Growing Pineal Region Tumor (COM-BP) |
963 | A 39 Year Old Male with Headache, Visual Blurring and a Renal Mass (COM-BP) |
962 | A 40 Year Old Female with Dural Based lesions (COM-BP) |
961 | A 44-year-old Female with Familial Mediterranean Fever, Cardiomyopathy and End Stage Renal Disease (COM-BP) |
960 | A 68-year-old Woman with a Left Orbital and Temporal Mass (COM-BP) |
959 | A Post-Menopausal Female with an Ovarian Mass (AP-1117) |
958 | A Male Newborn with Bruising and Petechia (CP-1117) |
957 | A 2-week Old Neonate with Refractory Thrombocytopenia Not Responding to Random Donor Platelets (CP-1017) |
956 | A Preadolescent Female with a Series of Neurological Symptoms (AP-1017) |
955 | A Year-Old Boy with a Parotid Lump (AP-0917) |
954 | A Premature Infant with Persistent Anemia (CP-0917) |
953 | A 39-Year Old Woman with Progressive Vision Impairment (COM-BP) |
952 | An 8-Year Old Girl with a Supratentorial Mass (COM-BP) |
951 | A 31-Year-Old Man with Slowly Progressive Limb Weakness and Respirtory Insufficiency (COM-BP) |
950 | A 62-Year-Old Woman with a History of Muscle Pain and Skin Rash for a Month (COM-BP) |
949 | A 42 Year Old Man with AIDS and Multiple Incomplete Ring Enhancing Lessions (COM-BP) |
948 | A 42-year Old Male with Diabetes Insipidus (COM-BP) |
947 | A Post-Menopausal Female with an Ovanrian Mass (AP-0617) |
946 | A 54-Year Old Male with Multiple Intra and Extracranial Masses (COM-BP) |
945 | A 57-Year Old Female with Sudden Onset of Transient Right Homonymous Hemianopsia (COM-BP) |
944 | Excessively High Acylcarnitine Values in the New Born Screen of Premature Infant (CP-0517) |
943 | A Woman in Her 60s with a Parotid Mass (AP-0517) |
942 | A 32-year-old Man with Headace, Visual Loss and Infiltrative Lession in Corpus Callosum and Cingulate Gyri (COM-BP) |
941 | A 19-year-old Male with Headaches and a Possible Seizure (COM-BP) |
940 | A Post Transplant Teenager with Liver Lesion (AP-0417) |
939 | A Pediatric Male with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and Severe Neutropenia (CP-0417) |
938 | A Post-menopausal Female with Bleeding and Vaginal Bulge (AP-0317) |
937 | A 53-year-old Woman with a Subfascial Mass of the Back that Lasted for Years (COM-BP) |
936 | An 11 Year Old Boy with Leptomentingeal Tumor (COM-BP) |
935 | A Male Teenager with Complaint of Weakness, Nausea, and Vomiting (Restricted Access, CP-0317) |
934 | A 58-year-old Female with a Colonic Mass (AP-0217) |
933 | A 3-year-old Boy with Asperger's Syndrome (Restricted Access, CP-0217) |
932 | 36 Year Old Man with Nasopharyngeal Tumor (COM-BP) |
931 | A 61-Year-Old Man with Chronic Expansile Sellar Mass (COM-BP) |
930 | A 50-Year-Old Man with a Falcine Mass (COM-BP) |
929 | A 19-Year-Old Male with a Well-Demarcated Parieto-Occipital Mass (COM-BP) |
928 | Genomic Analysis of a Renal Mass in a Toddler (CP-0117) |
927 | Primary Endometrial Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumors with EWSR Gene Rearrangement (AP-0117) |
926 | 47-year Old Female with a Destructive Sellar Mass (COM-BP) |
925 | A Child with Radiologically Recurrent Thalamic Tumor (COM-BP) |
924 | A Woman in Her Late 30's with a History of Recurrent Scalp Lesion (CP-1216) |
923 | A child with Hirschsprung Disease (AP-1216) |
922 | A Young Boy with Liver Transplantation (CP-1116) |
921 | A 65 Year Old Female with Epidermoid Cyst with Malignant Transformation to Squamous Cell Carcinoma (COM-BP) |
920 | A 49-Year Old Female with Multiple Extra-Axial Tumors (COM-BP) |
919 | A Female in Her 80s with a Renal Mass (AP-1116) |
918 | Extradural Brain Mass in a 64 Old Year Old Man (COM-BP) |
917 | A 33-year-old HIV-positive Male with Spinal Mass (COM-BP) |
916 | A Man in His 50s with Acute Onset Aphasia and Right Sided Weakness (AP-1016) |
915 | A Young Child with Short Stature, Hypoplastic Thumb and Pancytopenia (CP-1016) |
914 | A 55 Year Old Woman with Yearlong Headache and Dizziness (COM-BP) |
913 | Complicated Fall in a 78 year Old Lady (COM-BP) |
912 | An Adolescent Female with Abdominal Fullness and Distension (AP-0916) |
911 | A Gentleman with a Lump in his Jaw (CP-0916) |
910 | A 49-year-old Man with Progressive Cranial Neuropathies (COM-BP) |
909 | A 71-year-old Man Presenting with Headache, Blurry Vision and Alexia without Agraphia (COM-BP) |
908 | A 37-year-old Pregnant Female with Multifocal Brain Lesions (COM-BP) |
907 | A 36-year-old Man with Parietal Skull Mass (COM-BP) |
906 | An 11-Year-Old Male with an Internal Extramedullary Spinal Mass (COM-BP) |
905 | A 60 Year-Old Male with Progressive Back Pain (COM-BP) |
904 | A 64-Year-old Male with Leg Pain (COM-BP) |
903 | A Woman with Leg Numbness and Weakenss (COM-BP) |
902 | A 61-year-old Female with a Mass in the Right Supraclavicular Area
901 | A 32-Year-old Man with Intermittent Headaches for Over Two Weeks (COM-BP) |
900 | A 66-year-old Man with Facial Pain (COM-BP) |
899 | A 59-year-old Female with a Retrosellar Mass (COM-BP) |
898 | A 63-year-old Woman with a Right Frontal Lesion (COM-BP) |
897 | A Female in Her Early 60s with Worsened Joint Pain after Initiation of Immunotherapy (CP-0316) |
896 | A Woman in her 50s with Severe Pain in Right Lower Quadrant and Vomiting (AP-0216) |
895 | A 22-year-old Woman with Right Eyelid Swelling (COM-BP) |
894 | A 74-year-old Woman with Progressive Weakness (COM-BP) |
893 | A 12-year-old Male with Cerebral Peduncle Atrophy (COM-BP) |
892 | A 55-year-old Male with a Pituitary Tumor (COM-BP) |
891 | A Male in His 20s with Hematuria, Hypertension, Seizure and Aplastic Anemia (Restricted Access, CP-0116) |
890 | A 14 Year Old Boy with Left Temporal Mass (COM-BP) |
889 | A 52 Year Old Man with Myoclonic Jerks (COM-BP) |
888 | A 34-Year Old Male with an Intracranial Mass (COM-BP) |
887 | A 30-year Old Male with Head Trauma Three Months Ago (COM-BP) |
886 | A man at 70s Had Episodes of Syncopy (AP-1215) |
885 | A 49-year Old Male with a Pituitary Tumor (COM-BP) |
884 | A 30-year Old Female with a Suprasellar Tumor (COM-BP) |
883 | A case of unexplained cerebral sinus thrombosis (CP-1115) |
882 | A 2 Year Old Girl with Dysmetria and Ataxia (COM-BP) |
881 | A 74 Year Old Man with a 4.4 cm Jugular Foramen Mass (COM-BP) |
880 | A 53-year-old male with leukocytosis and a neutrophilic left shift (CP-0915) |
879 | A 59-Year-old Man with Two Cerebellar Lesions and Disturbed Cerebellar Morphology (COM-BP) |
878 | A 59 Year-old Man with History of Renal Transplantation (COM-BP) |
877 | A 24-year-old Woman with Recent Onset Backpain (COM-BP) |
876 | Unusual Spinal Cord Tumor in a 16-month-old Child (COM-BP) |
875 | A 2-year-old girl with a liver mass (AP-0715) |
874 | A 19-year-old Male with an Intraventricular Tumor (COM-BP) |
873 | A 55-year-old Man with Acute Ascending Paraparesis (COM-BP) |
872 | A 31 year old male with aggressive behavior and fever (CP-0715) |
871 | A 30-year-old woman with intermittent joint pain in her wrists and ankles (CP-0615) |
870 | An 11-Year-Old Boy With a Sacral Spinal Mass (COM-BP) |
869 | A 2 Month-Old Male with Hypotonia (COM-BP) |
868 | A man in his early 20s with a mass on the lateral aspect of his right lower leg (AP-0515) |
867 | A woman in her 30s with urticaria, flushing, and cramping abdominal pain (CP-0515) |
866 | A 41-Year-Old Man with Drug-Resistant Complex Partial Seizures (COM-BP) |
865 | A 40-Year-Old Female with Leptomeningeal Lesions (COM-BP) |
864 | A 76-year old female with nephrotic range proteinuria and urine albumin to protein ratio less than 10% (CP-0415) |
863 | A female in Her 30s with an Enlarging Left Labial Mass (AP-0415) |
862 | A 33-Year Old Man with Cervical Pain (COM-BP) |
861 | A 67 Year-Old Man with Multiple Sclerosis and New Cerebellar Lesions (COM-BP) |
860 | A 43 Year Old Female with Multifocal Cerebral Leasons (COM-BP) |
859 | An 11 Year Old Child with a Right Parieto-Occipital Leason (COM-BP) |
858 | A woman in her 70s with a bladder mass (AP-0215) |
857 | A 70 year old male with a mass on the right thigh (AP-0215) |
856 | A 35-year-old Man with lytic skull lesion (COM-BP) |
855 | A 64 year-old woman with longstanding migraine (COM-BP) |
854 | A man with chronic liver disease and headaches (CP-0115) |
853 | A woman in her 70s with a double lung transplant (AP-0115) |
852 | An 85-year old male with levodopa-responsive Parkinsonism (COM-BP) |
851 | A 13-year old female with intractable seizures (COM-BP) |
850 | A 52 year-old male with angiokeratomas, anhydrosis, and acral paresthesias (Restricted Access, CP-1214) |
849 | A 71 year-old male with a right colonic mass (AP-1214) |
848 | A 59 year old female with cerebellopontine angle hemorrhage (COM-BP) |
847 | A 37-year-old female with intraventricular mass (COM-BP) |
846 | A 24 year-old woman with relapsing brainstem manifestations and multiple focal brian lesions (COM-BP) |
845 | A 44-year old male with right-sided facial numbness (COM-BP) |
844 | A woman in her 50s with a cervical spinal tumor (AP-1114) |
843 | A 30 year old male with a right corneal abrasion (CP-1114) |
842 | A 65-year-old female with an incidental lung mass (AP-1014) |
841 | A 24 year-old female in labor at 38 weeks with a positive HIV screen (CP-1014) |
840 | A 77-year-old woman with a dural-based mass (COM-BP) |
839 | A 48 year old woman with right leg and arm numbness (COM-BP) |
838 | A 75 year-old male with obstructive jaundice and a pancreatic head mass (AP-0914) |
837 | A 69 year-old woman with an epidural mass(COM-BP) |
836 | A 53-year-old woman with progressive headache (COM-BP) |
835 | Acute hydrocephalus and stroke in a 20 year-old man (COM-BP) |
834 | A 70 year old farmer suffering from fatal meningoencephalitis (COM-BP) |
833 | A 4 week-old boy with an abdominal mass (AP-0714) |
832 | A 20-year-old man with hearing loss progressing to tetraparesis (COM-BP) |
831 | A 29-year-old man with difficulty climbing the stairs (COM-BP) |
830 | A 55-year-old man with hemoglobin of 6.5 g/dL (CP-0614) |
829 | A 24-year old female with gradual onset of abdomen pain (AP-0614) |
828 | An 83 year old female with a lower GI bleed and multiple lesions (AP-0514) |
827 | A 67-Year-old Man with a Lumbar Spine Lesion (COM-BP) |
826 | A 31 Year Old Female with a Destructive Clival Mass (COM-BP) |
825 | A 66-year-old female with complaint of weakness (CP-0514) |
824 | A 56 year-old Female with a Serum hCG of 5 mIU/ml (CP-0414) |
823 | A 6 year old female transplant patient presents with fever and rectal bleeding (AP-0414) |
822 | A 63-year Old Woman with Dysphonia, Dysphagia, and Sleep Apnea (COM-BP) |
821 | A 26-year Old Female with a Small Prepontine Lesion (COM-BP) |
820 | A 40-year-old Woman with Intracranial Bleed and Osteomalacia (COM-BP) |
819 | A 64 year old male with a lung nodule (CP-0314) |
818 | Two cases of intraventricular hemorrhage in young patients (COM-BP) |
817 | A 6 year old girl with left parietal lob tumor (COM-BP) |
816 | A 27-year-old male with deteriorating levels of consciousness (AP-0314) |
815 | A 56-Year Old Man with Thalamic and Frontal Masses (COM-BP) |
814 | A 46-Year-Old Woman with a Spinal Cord Mass (COM-BP) |
813 | A 46 year old female with a nodule at the mid esophagus (AP-0214) |
812 | A 54 year old man with progressive vision and hearing loss (COM-BP) |
811 | A 72 year old female with leg weakness (COM-BP) |
810 | A 58-year-old male with hallucinations and atasxia (COM-BP) |
809 | A 21-year-old female with galactorrhea (COM-BP) |
808 | A 58 year old woman with a thyroid nodule (AP-0114) |
807 | A five-day old female with an abnormal newborn screen (CP-0214) |
806 | A 48 year old male with hip pain, confusion, headaches and blurry vision (CP-0114) |
805 | A 22 year old male with chronic cough and weight loss (CP-1213) |
804 | A Neonate with Spontaneous Pneumothorax and Progressive Respiratory Failure (AP-1213) |
803 | A 74 Year-old woman with systemic lupus erythematosus and recent onset ataxia (COM-BP) |
802 | A 49 year-old woman with a pineal mass (COM-BP) |
801 | An eighteen month boy with parental complaints of fussiness and pallor (CP-1113) |
800 | Jaundice in a 60 year Old female (AP-1113) |
799 | A 66 year old female with excessive fatigue (CP-1013) |
798 | A 34 year-old man with bitemporal hemianopsia (COM-BP) |
797 | A 29-year-old man with progressive short term memory loss (COM-BP) |
796 | A 79-year old man with Parkinsonism and acute spinal cord compression (COM-BP) |
795 | A 42 year-old male with a new onset generalized seizure (COM-BP) |
794 | A 34 year-old man with abdominal pain and dysuria (AP-1013) |
793 | A 69-year-old woman with a groin mass (AP-0913) |
792 | A 55-year-old male presents to the ED (CP-0913) |
791 | A 78 year old male with dysphagia and dysarthria (COM-BP) |
790 | A 25 year-old woman with two spinal cord lesions (COM-BP) |
789 | A 73 year-old man with a mass at the foramen magnum (COM-BP) |
788 | A 39-year-old man with central diabetes insipidus (COM-BP) |
787 | A 7-month-old male with a 4.5 cm deep left inner thigh lesion (AP-0713) |
786 | An 82 year old female with thrombocytopenia (CP-0713) |
785 | A 78-year-old male patient with a right occipital lesion (COM-BP) |
784 | A 30 year old male with head aches (COM-BP) |
783 | A 63-year-old woman with a thyroid nodule (CP-0613) |
782 | A two-year-old male with left undescended testis (AP-0613) |
781 | A 59-year-old woman with a retroauricular tumor (COM-BP) |
780 | Progressive headache, fatigue, and vomiting in an 8-year-old boy(COM-BP) |
779 | A 66 year old male with back pain and hemoptysis (CP-0513) |
778 | A 57 year old postmenopausal woman with spotting and underwent a routine Papanicolaou test (AP-0513) |
777 | A 57 year-old female with an actively growing right neck mass (AP-0413) |
776 | A 21-year-old female with a bladder mass (CP-0413) |
775 | A 68-year old man with a cerebellopontine angle tumor (COM-BP) |
774 | A 29 year old woman with acute mental status changes (COM-BP) |
773 | A 29 year old man with new oneset seizures (COM-BP) |
772 | An 8 year-old girl with headaches and mild gait disturbance (COM-BP) |
771 | A 49 year old female with nausea and vomiting (CP-0313) |
770 | A 52-year-old male with a 3 week history of abdominal pain (AP-0313) |
769 | A 50-year-old man with back pain and a sellar mass (COM-BP) |
768 | A 29 year-old male with seizure and syncope (COM-BP) |
767 | A 79 year-old female with abdominal pain and bloody urine after dialysis session (CP-0213) |
766 | An 80 year old man with a palpable groin mass (AP-0213) |
765 | A 24-year-old woman with a mass in the left internal auditory canal (COM-BP) |
764 | A 40-year-old male with an intraventricular tumor (COM-BP) |
763 | A 66-year-old female with a lung mass (AP-0113) |
762 | A 25 year old female with complaints of a severe headache and agitation (CP-0113) |
761 | A 48 year old woman with a cerebellopontine angle mass (COM-BP) |
760 | A 30 year old man with an acute presentation of a cerebellopontine angle lesion (COM-BP) |
759 | A 65 year-old female with a large solid-cystic adnexal mass (AP-1212) |
758 | An 81 year-old woman with complaint of weakness (CP-1212) |
757 | A 63 year old woman with white matter lesions and pachymeningeal inflammation (COM-BP) |
756 | A 47-year-old man with left leg numbness (COM-BP) |
755 | An 11 year old female who collapsed during out-patient clinic visit (AP-1112) |
754 | A 2.5 months old female with neurologic symptoms (CP-1112) |
753 | A 62-year old female with an intranasal mass extending into the lamina cribrosa (COM-BP) |
752 | A 32 year-old male with brainstem lesions (COM-BP) |
751 | A 3 year old male with fatigue and hepatomegaly (CP-1012) |
750 | A 52-year-old female with flank pain, hematuria, and cirrhosis (AP-1012) |
749 | An 18-year-old woman with a dural mass (COM-BP) |
748 | A 22-year-old man with a cerebellar mass (COM-BP) |
747 | A 42 year old woman with a posterior knee mass (AP-0912) |
746 | A 75 year-old man with back pain (CP-0912) |
745 | A 40-year-old woman with a sellar mass (COM-BP) |
744 | A 33-year-old woman with a large sellar tumor (COM-BP) |
743 | A 53 year old male with intermittent fevers, night sweats, and a chronic cough (CP-0812) |
742 | A 13-year-old girl with a history of frequent headaches (AP-0812) |
741 | A 14-year-old girl with multiple tumors (COM-BP) |
740 | A 76-year-old man with a cerebellar lesion (COM-BP) |
739 | Incidental neuropathological findings in a child with cervical meningoradiculocele (COM-BP) |
738 | A 71-year-old woman with PSP-like symptom (COM-BP) |
737 | A 1-day old male with pallor (AP-0712) |
736 | Abdominal skin lesion and mass in a newborn (AP-0712) |
735 | Elevated troponin in a 41 year old male with ST elevations (CP-0612) |
734 | A 44 year old female with a splenic mass (AP-0612) |
733 | A 49-year-old transplant recipient with fever and altered mental status (COM-BP) |
732 | A 3-year-old boy with drug-resistant complex partial seizures (COM-BP) |
731 | A 52-year-old male with visual changes (COM-BP) |
730 | A 70 year-old male with multiple bilateral subcentimeter lung nodules (AP-0512) |
729 | An 11 year-old girl undergoing scoliosis surgery (COM-BP) |
728 | An 81-year-old man with multiple liver masses (AP-0412) |
727 | A 22 year old female with weight gain, fatigue, facial swelling, increased thirst, and increased frequency of urination (CP-0412) |
726 | A 61 year old male with pneumonia and leukocytosis (CP-0312) |
725 | A 52 year old female with intermittent left facial paresthesia/hyperesthesia and swelling (AP-0312) |
724 | Neurological deterioration despite aggressive treatment in a man with AIDS (COM-BP) |
723 | A 28 year old woman with a pituitary mass (COM-BP) |
722 | A 23-year-old man with a superficial cortical brain tumor (COM-BP) |
721 | A 38-year old woman with a dural based lesion (COM-BP) |
720 | A 55-year-old female with low back pain (COM-BP) |
719 | Cystic tumor in a 14-month-old male (COM-BP) |
718 | Genetic Testing in Hirschsprung Disease (CP-0212) |
717 | An 18 year old male with microscopic hematuria (AP-0212) |
716 | A 20 year old male with persistent cough (CP-0112) |
715 | A 61 year old female with a right-sided submandibular gland mass (AP-0112) |
714 | A 45 year old man with a pineal region tumor for over 15 years (COM-BP) |
713 | A 39 year-old man with a cerebellar mass and pancytopenia (COM-BP) |
712 | A 46 year old female with shortness of breath (CP-1211) |
711 | A 72 year old man with elevated PSA (AP-1211) |
710 | A 2-year-old boy with hemolytic uremic syndrome and pneumocephalus (COM-BP) |
709 | A man with posterior fossa tumors 15 years apart (COM-BP) |
708 | A 4-month-old boy with new onset seizures (CP-1111) |
707 | A 53-year old male with a five day history of worsening rash, pain and swelling in his right hand (AP-1111) |
706 | A 17 weeks fetus with significant shortening of long bones (AP-1011) |
705 | A 49 year old male with tooth pain (CP-1011) |
704 | Two patients with red urine (CP-0911) |
703 | A 70 year old female with eye pain and periorbital swelling (AP-0911, Purged) |
702 | A 71-year-old female with right eye proptosis (COM-BP) |
701 | A 49 year old male with headache and diplopia (AP-0811) |
700 | A 55 year-old male with weakness and altered mental status (CP-0811) |
699 | A 28 year old female with fatigue and easy bruising (CP-0811) |
698 | A 55 year-old male with recurrent spontaneous pneumothoraces (AP-0711) |
697 | A progressive multifocal neurological syndrome in a 42 year old woman (COM-BP) |
696 | Skull base tumor in a patient affected of phacomatosis pigmentovasclaris (COM-BP) |
695 | An 80-year old male with peripheral blood lymphocytosis (CP-0711) |
694 | A 57-year-old female with endocarditis and brain abscess (CP-0611) |
693 | A 52-year-old man with pancytopenia (CP-0611) |
692 | A 51-year-old woman with chronic fatigue and weakness (AP-0611) |
691 | A 36-year old male with an ear infection (CP-0611) |
690 | A 32 year old woman with multiple intracranial masses (COM-BP) |
689 | An 86 year-old woman with a sacrococcygeal mass (AP-0511) |
688 | A 57-year-old male with chronic hepatitis C and IL28B CT genotype (CP-0511) |
687 | A newborn with large, thin-walled cysts in the left hemithorax (AP-0411) |
686 | A 46 year old female with inconsistent thyroglobulin concentrations (CP-0411) |
685 | A 2 year-old boy with a posterior fossa tumor (COM-BP) |
684 | An 88-year old woman with long-lasting parkinsonism (COM-BP) |
683 | A 42-year-old male with sudden onset of suprapubic and pelvic discomfort (CP-0311) |
682 | A 69 year old female with a renal mass (AP-0311) |
681 | A 57 year old femake with a cerebellar mass (COM-BP) |
680 | A 16 month old girl with an intravantricular mass (COM-BP) |
679 | A 10 year old girl with a hepatic Epstein-Barr virus-associated smooth muscle tumor (AP-0211) |
678 | A 54-year-old woman with recent onset of pancytopenia of unknown etiology (CP-0211) |
677 | A 61 year old female with a recent venous thrombosis and a wild-type MTHFR 677 genotype (CP-0111) |
676 | A 73 year old male had an heart transplant (AP-0111) |
675 | A 57 year old man with a systemic disease and an intracerebral hemorrhage (CP-1210) |
674 | A 53 year old man presented with a cyst on his left cheek (AP-1210) |
673 | A 47-year-old man with frontal lobe tumor (COM-BP) |
672 | A 56-year old woman with sphenoid wing tumor (COM-BP) |
671 | A 21 year old male with acute renal failure (AP-1110) |
670 | A 63 year-old male with confusion and fluent aphasia (CP-1110) |
669 | A 62 year old woman with a family history of a neurodegenerative disorder (CP-1010) |
668 | A 6 year-old girl with a large left neck mass (AP-1010) |
667 | A 46-year-old man with a spinal cord mass (COM-BP) |
666 | A 3-year- old girl with altered mental status, gait difficulty, and vomiting (COM-BP) |
665 | A 68 year old white male with bladder outlet obstruction (AP-0910) |
664 | A 30-year old man with a 30-pound weight loss in one month (CP-0910) |
663 | A 17-year-old girl with headache and complex partial seizure (COM-BP) |
662 | Renal insufficiency in a 68 year-old woman (AP-0810) |
661 | A 37 year-old woman with a “mole” on her calf (CP-0810) |
660 | A 54-year-old woman with a lesion compressing the medulla (COM-BP) |
659 | A 35 year-old man with falcine tumor (COM-BP) |
658 | Posterior fossa lesion 45 years after ocular trauma (COM-BP) |
657 | A 25-year-old man with difficulty breathing (AP-0710) |
656 | A 48-year-old female with fever of unknown origin for 3 months (AP-0710) |
655 | A 24-year-old G1 P0 with intrauterine fetal demise at 32 weeks gestational age (AP-0710) |
654 | An 86 year-old female with a history of hematolymphoid neoplasia (CP-0710, Purged) |
653 | A 47 year old Woman with a Thigh Mass (AP-0610) |
652 | A 7 week old male with ambiguous genitalia and history of Hirschprung disease (CP-0610) |
651 | A 67 year old female with a distal pancreatic mass (AP-0510) |
650 | A 67-year old man with high fever, fatigue and weight loss (CP-0510) |
649 | An 81 year-old male with confusion and weakness (COM-BP) |
648 | Vaginal culture of a pregnant woman (CP-0410) |
647 | A 30-year old woman with nephrotic syndrome (AP-0410) |
646 | A 24-Year-Old Male with Headaches (COM-BP) |
645 | A young man with influenza (CP-0310) |
644 | Abdominal lymphomatosis (AP-0310) |
643 | A 20 year old woman with a paraspinal mass (COM-BP) |
642 | Metastasis to the Calcaneus (AP-0210) |
641 | Antibodies to dsDNA (CP-0210) |
640 | A 12-year-old boy with multiple brain masses (COM-BP) |
639 | Cystic pancreatic mass in a 61 year old male (AP-0110) |
638 | Recurrent pneumonia and pain crises in a young female patient (CP-0110) |
637 | Neuromyelitis optica of the spinal cord clinically mimicking a neoplasm (COM-BP) |
636 | A 45-year old male with left-sided hemihypesthesia (COM-BP) |
635 | A 61-year-old female with a history of hirsutism (AP-1209, Purged) |
634 | A 7-year-old boy with polyuria, polydipsia, and enuresis (CP-1209) |
633 | A 41-year-old woman with von Hippel-Lindau and a cerebellar lesion (COM-BP) |
632 | A 76-year-old woman with paraplegia (COM-BP) |
631 | Incidental testicular tumor on a 7 month-old baby boy with congenital nephrotic syndrome (AP-1109) |
630 | A fifty-year-old male with muscle weakness and hypokalemia (CP-1109) |
629 | A 25-year-old Woman with a mass in the hippocampus (COM-BP) |
628 | A 61-year-old woman with osteomalacia and a thoracic spine lesion (COM-BP) |
627 | An eight-year-old boy with staring episodes (CP-1009) |
626 | A 79 year-old female with a cauda equina tumor (AP-1009) |
625 | A 61-year-old man with instability of gait and right hand clumsiness (COM-BP) |
624 | A 6-year-old girl with an extra-axial mass in the middle cranial fossa (COM-BP) |
623 | A 33 year old, pregnant female with neutrophilia (AP-0909) |
622 | A 35-year-old male with rectal bleeding (AP-0909) |
621 | A 21 year-old male with severe headaches (CP-0809) |
620 | A 35 year-old HIV positive woman with basal forebrain mass (COM-BP) |
619 | A 7-year-old boy with confusion and incoherent speech (COM-BP) |
618 | A 59-year old female with supraselllar mass (COM-BP) |
617 | A 9 year old girl with progressive weakness (COM-BP) |
616 | A 23 year old male with portal hypertension in the stomach and an erythematous proximal jejunum (AP-0809) |
615 | A 94 year-old man with a bladder mass (AP-0709) |
614 | A 61 year-old female with abdominal pain and leukocytosis (CP-0709, Purged) |
613 | A 38-year-old female with recurrent miscarriages (CP-0609) |
612 | A 58 year old woman with a corpus callosum nodule at autopsy (COM-BP) |
611 | A 47-year old male with a cerebellopontine angle tumor (COM-BP) |
610 | A 36-year-old female with microalbuminuria (AP-0609) |
609 | A 22 year old man with impared sensibility over the perineum and left foot (COM-BP) |
608 | A 76 year old man with cognitive and neurological symptoms (COM-BP) |
607 | A 22-year-old girl with status epilepticus and progressive neurological symptoms (COM-BP) |
606 | A 6 year old girl with hydrocephalus (COM-BP) |
605 | A 76 year-old woman with a left thigh mass (AP-0509) |
604 | A 54 year-old female with fever and chills (CP-0509) |
603 | A 13 year-old girl with short stature (CP-0409) |
602 | A 62 year-old man with an unexplained 60 lb weight loss (AP-0409) |
601 | A 19-year-old male with febrile illness, respiratory failure, and hepatosplenomegaly (CP-0309) |
600 | A 69-year-old man with left hemispheric necrotising mass lesion (COM-BP) |
599 | A female patient with a right leg paresis (COM-BP) |
598 | An 87-year-old male with a pathologic hip fracture (AP-0309) |
597 | A 64-year-old man with multiple cerebral lesions (COM-BP) |
596 | An one year old boy with an interhemispheric frontal mass (COM-BP) |
595 | A 31- year- old man with Balint’s syndrome and visual problems (COM-BP) |
594 | A 5-year-old boy with one month history of intracranial hypertension (COM-BP) |
593 | A 57 year old male with hepatitis C infection, lymphoma and renal disease (CP-0209) |
592 | A female fetus with bilateral multicystic kidneys (AP-0209) |
591 | A 25 year-old male with high fever (CP-0109) |
590 | A 42-year-old man with weakness, fatigue and edema of the face and extremities (AP-0109) |
589 | A 15 year old boy with a posterior fossa tumor (COM-BP) |
588 | A 72 year-old man with new seizure while dancing (COM-BP) |
587 | Urinary bicarbonaturia in a 27 year old male (CP-1208) |
586 | A 39 year-old female with right forearm lesion (AP-1208) |
585 | Posterior fossa tumor a 2 year-old girl (COM-BP) |
584 | Posterior fossa tumor in a 12 year-old boy (COM-BP) |
583 | A 77 year-old male with diarrhea (CP-1108) |
582 | Renal Allograft Biopsy with Diffuse C4d Staining (AP-1108) |
581 | A 33-year-old Chinese woman with a left frontal tumor (COM-BP) |
580 | A 32-year-old man with a fourth ventricular mass (COM-BP) |
579 | A 16-year-old male with a cerebellar mass (COM-BP) |
578 | A 28-year-old man with headache, visual and aphasic speech disturbances (COM-BP) |
577 | A 76 year old transplant patient with fever (CP-1008) |
576 | A thirteen year-old female with a unilateral neck mass (AP-1008) |
575 | A patient with fatal respiratory distress immediately after transplant surgery (CP-0908) |
574 | A 68 year old female with acute appendicitis (AP-0908) |
573 | A 59 year-old man with sellar mass lesion (COM-BP) |
572 | A 60 year old woman with an extra-axial frontal mass (COM-BP) |
571 | A 21-year old male with history of intravenous drug abuse (CP-0808) |
570 | A 69-year old male with a renal mass (AP-0808) |
569 | A 74-year-old man with anemia (CP-0808) |
568 | A 53-year-old man with abdominal distention (AP-0708) |
567 | A 42-year-old man with ventilatory failure, progressive weakness and discoid lupus (COM-BP) |
566 | A 51-year-old man with sudden unexpected death (COM-BP) |
565 | A 55-year-old man with asymptomatic paraspinal mass (COM-BP) |
564 | A 50 year old woman with a pigmented tumor of the 4th ventricle (COM-BP) |
563 | A 38- week-gestation neonate with right occipital scalp defect (COM-BP) |
562 | A 50-year-old male treated for Burkitt lymphoma develops diffuse white matter abnormalities (COM-BP) |
561 | A recurrent cerebellar lesion in a young boy (COM-BP) |
560 | A 59 year old male developed symptoms of pan-hypopituitarism (COM-BP) |
559 | A 77 year-old man with worsening dyspnea (AP-0608) |
558 | Persistent hand arthralgias and swelling in an otherwise healthy 45 y/o male (CP-0608) |
557 | A 19-year-old female with fever, rash and lymphadenopathy for one month (CP-0508) |
556 | A 50-year old Caucasian female with a pituitary mass (CP-0508) |
555 | A 45 year old man with a midline tongue lesion (AP-0508) |
554 | A 61-year-old female with abdominal discomfort and jaundice (CP-0408) |
553 | A 66-year-old male with a history of precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia now presents with an upper lip soft tissue mass (AP-0408) |
552 | A two-year-old girl with a new limp and large supratentorial mass (COM-BP) |
551 | A 44-year-old man with mass in the fourth ventricle (COM-BP) |
550 | A 53-year-old male found convulsing in a cemetery (CP-0308) |
549 | A 35 year-old woman with a vulvar mass (AP-0308) |
548 | A 39-year old female with a complex renal cyst (AP-0208) |
547 | A 70 year-old man with enlarged pineal gland (COM-BP) |
546 | An 8 year old child with a lesion in the left nucleus lentiformis (COM-BP) |
545 | A 17 year-old girl with Raynaud's phenomenon (CP-0208) |
544 | A young male with sudden onset seizures and a left frontal lobe mass (COM-BP) |
543 | A 67 year-old male with progressive paraparesis (COM-BP) |
542 | A 54 year-old male with one episode of vomiting, cognitive alteration, and left leg weakness (CP-0108) |
541 | A 62 Year-old Male with Flank Pain and Hematuria (AP-0108) |
540 | A 56-year-old male with left-sided weakness (COM-BP) |
539 | A 51 year old woman with double vision (COM-BP) |
538 | A 57-year-old male with a pelvic mass (AP-1207) |
537 | An 11-year-old girl with symptoms of hyperthyroidism (CP-1207) |
536 | A 53 year old male with rapid cognitive decline (COM-BP) |
535 | An 80 year-old male with a ring-enhancing right basal ganglia lesion (COM-BP) |
534 | A 36 year-old kidney transplant recipient with increased creatinine (CP-1107) |
533 | A 41 year man with sharp pain in the right side of his rib cage (AP-1107) |
532 | Sinusitis in a 20-year-old Male with Aplastic Anemia (CP-1007) |
531 | A 35-year old woman with an intrasellar and suprasellar lesion (COM-BP) |
530 | A 21 month old child with acute spastic parapapresis (COM-BP) |
529 | A 61-year-old man with hyponatremia (COM-BP) |
528 | A 72-year old woman with right frontal extra-axial mass (COM-BP) |
527 | A 23 year-old man with left knee pain (CP-0907) |
526 | An 18-year old woman with abdominal pain (AP-0907) |
525 | A 40-year-old woman with a progressive periventricular white matter lesion (COM-BP) |
524 | A 47-year-old woman with a clival mass (COM-BP) |
523 | A 43 year old man with back pain (AP-0807) |
522 | A 10 year old female with pruritic lacy rash (CP-0807) |
521 | An 18-year-old female with a brain mass (AP-0707) |
520 | An 82-year-old man with moderate thrombocytopenia (CP-0707) |
519 | A 49 year old female with a history of head trauma (COM-BP) |
518 | A 43 year old man with a retro-orbital mass (COM-BP) |
517 | A 55 year-old man with liver failure, delirium and seizures (COM-BP) |
516 | Leg weakness after liver transplant (COM-BP) |
515 | A 62 year-old male with pain in the right clavicular region (CP-0607) |
514 | A 60 year-old woman with elevated creatinine and BUN (AP-0607) |
513 | A 7 year old boy with multiple skin lesions (AP-0607) |
512 | A 17-year-old female with a subcutaneous left thigh mass (AP-0507) |
511 | A 15-year-old girl with a cystic brain tumor (COM-BP) |
510 | A 63 year old man with dementia, ataxia and VI nerve palsy (COM-BP) |
509 | Differentiating Transfusion Associated Circulatory Overload from Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury (CP-0507) |
508 | A 12-year-old girl with seizures and dementia (COM-BP) |
507 | A 57-year-old man with a dural-based parietal lobe tumor (COM-BP) |
506 | Small colony variant-Staphylococcus aureus (CP-0407) |
505 | A 71 year old male with right flank pain (AP-0407) |
504 | Two young patients with abdominal pain (CP-0307) |
503 | A man in his fifth decade with cerebral lesion 10 years after radiation treatment for a tumor (COM-BP) |
502 | A 65-year-old man with an intradural, lumbosacral mass (COM-BP) |
501 | A 46-year-old woman with constant left upper quadrant pain (AP-0307, Purged) |
500 | A 30-year-old patient with Malignant tumor of the lateral ventricle with spinal metastasis (COM-BP) |
499 | A 35 year old woman with a dural-based mass (COM-BP) |
498 | A 4-year-old girl with fever and pain in the lower extremities (CP-0207) |
497 | A 38-year-old man with a nodular brain mass (AP-0207) |
496 | A 9-year-old girl with recurrent bilateral ovarian masses (CP-0207) |
495 | A 76-year-old woman with history of bladder cancer presented with right frontal lobe mass (COM-BP) |
494 | A 27 year-old female with cranial nerve dysfunction after pregnancy due to a jugular foramen mass (COM-BP) |
493 | 5-month-old twins with turricephaly (CP-0107) |
492 | A woman in her 20s with an abdominal mass (AP-0107) |
491 | A 33 year-old woman with Hemiparesis (COM-BP) |
490 | A 3-month-old girl with hypotonia (CP-1206) |
489 | A 20-month-old girl with a left calf mass (AP-12b06) |
488 | Liver mess in a cirrhotic liver (AP-12a06) |
487 | A 39-year-old man with new onset seizures (COM-BP) |
486 | A 10-year-old male with decreased complement (CP-1106) |
485 | A 65-year-old woman with a breast mass (AP-1106) |
484 | A 37-year-old male with headache (COM-BP) |
483 | An 83-year old male with an enlarging right supraorbital mass (AP-1006) |
482 | An one year-old boy with delayed speech (CP-1006) |
481 | A 63-year-old woman with brain mets and diverticulitis (AP-1006) |
480 | A 42 year old man with
a densely vascular spinal mass (COM-BP) |
479 | A 4 year old boy with cardiomyopathy (AP-0906) |
478 | A 7 year old boy with massive splenomegaly (CP-0906) |
477 | A 64-year-old woman with progressive dementia and leukoencephalopathy (COM-BP) |
476 | A 60 year-old woman with breast cancer and a left renal mass (AP-0806) |
475 | A 25 year-old male with fever (CP-0806) |
474 | A man in his mid-70's with a sellar mass (COM-BP) |
473 | An 80-year-old female with neuropsychiatric changes (COM-BP) |
472 | A 57 year old woman with a cerebellar mass (AP-0706) |
471 | A 2-year-old boy with hypotonia and developmental delay (CP-0706) |
470 | A 56-year-old female with anemia and leukocytosis (CP-0606) |
469 | A 74-year-old female with a breast mass (AP-0606) |
468 | Tissue Typing: Evaluation of a kidney transplant from a living-related donor |
467 | A 57-year-old female with a benign tumor in the ethmoid sinus (COM-BP) |
466 | A 69-year-old man presented with a left neck mass (AP-0506) |
465 | A 68 year-old female with an incidental thyroid cyst (AP-0506) |
464 | A 36 year-old man with abdominal pain (CP-0506) |
463 | A 4-year-old girl with mass in the frontotemporal bone (COM-BP) |
462 | A 21-year-old female with a cystic brain lesion (COM-BP) |
461 | A 68-year old woman with a right parotid mass (AP-0406) |
460 | A 74-year-old male with mycosis fungoides now with increased circulating immature mononuclear cells (CP-0406) |
459 | An 80-year-old man with a right paratesticular mass (AP-0306) |
458 | 43-year-old male with chronic anemia (CPb-0306) |
457 | A 45 year-old male with increasing fatigue (CPa-0306, Purged) |
456 | A 49-year-old man with neuropsychiatric symptoms followed by progressive cognitive decline (COM-BP) |
455 | A 68-year-old man with upper gastrointestinal bleeding (CP-0206) |
454 | A 65 year old man with an enlarged thyroid (AP-0206) |
453 | Simultaneous hematolymphoid disorders in a 19 year-old female (CP-0106-B) |
452 | A 70 year-old man with extrapyramidal symptoms, dementia and hemosiderosis (COM-BP) |
451 | A 79-year-old male with a lesion in the head of the pancreas (AP-0106) |
450 | A newborn with trisomy 21 and elevated level of C5-hydroxy acylcarnitine (CP-0106-A) |
449 | An elderly man with a plaque-like crusted lesion of his right temple (AP-1205) |
448 | A 19-year-old male with generalized seizures, unconsciousness and a deviation of gaze (COM-BP) |
447 | Transfusion-Refractory Anemia: Immune Or Non-Immune Hemolysis? (CP-1205) |
446 | A 61-year-old woman with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, pancytopenia and abdominal pain (CP-1105) |
445 | A 35-year-old woman with progressive bilateral leg weakness (COM-BP) |
444 | A 48-year-old woman with a one-year history of back pain (AP-1105) |
443 | A 48 year old male with sudden onset of right sided weakness (COM-BP) |
442 | A 60-year-old man with a history of headaches (AP-1005) |
441 | A woman in her 80s with bowel obstruction (CP-1005) |
440 | A 43 year old woman with a temporal mass (COM-BP) |
439 | A One-year-old child with Megakaryoblastic Leukemia (CP-0905, Purged) |
438 | A 33 year old male with testicular discomfort (AP-0805) |
437 | A 45- year old male with symptomatic mass in the frontal lobe (COM-BP) |
436 | A 13-year-old boy with neurodegeneration (AP-0805) |
435 | A 10 month-old girl with hypotonia (CP-0805) |
434 | A 28-year-old male with multiple erythematous plaques |
433 | A 21-year-old female with a third ventricular tumor (COM-BP) |
432 | A 37-year-old female with ghost mycobacteria on gram gtain (CP-0705) |
431 | A 30 year-old female with multiple gastric polyps (AP-0705) |
430 | A 62-year old man with chronic pyothorax (COM-BP) |
429 | A 74 year old female with inflamed "seborrheic keratosis" on dorsum of right ankle (AP-0605) |
428 | A 32 year old man with severe pancytopenia (CP-0605) |
427 | A 57-year-old male with persistent leukocytosis (CP-0505) |
426 | A 71 year old male with 4 decades of symptoms referable to both central and peripheral nervous system (COM-BP) |
425 | A 14-year-old boy with congenital hypothyroidism (AP-0505) |
424 | Woman aged 24 years with fourth ventricular mass (COM-BP) |
423 | A 15-year-old male with progressive loss of central vision and macular edema (CP-0405) |
422 | A man in his 20s with a sudden onset of polydipsia and polyuria (AP-0405) |
421 | A 15-year-old female with progressive myelopathy (COM-BP) |
420 | Liver mass in a cirrhotic liver (AP-0305) |
419 | A pregnant woman in early 40s with thrombocytopenia (CP-0305) |
418 | A woman in her 40s with an ovarian mass (AP-0305) |
417 | A lung transplant patient with nausea, vomiting and dehydration (CP-0205) |
416 | A 10-month-old baby-boy with a large pineal tumor (COM-BP) |
415 | A female in her 20s with a thyroid mass (AP-0205) |
414 | A boy aged 7 years with primitive neuroectodermal tumor (COM-BP) |
413 | A 12 year-old boy presented with substernal chest pain (CP-0105) |
412 | A caucasian woman in her late 20s with progressive shortness of breath (AP-0105) |
411 | A male in his 60s with plasma cell neoplasm, favor solitary plasmacytoma of bone (AP-1204) |
410 | A one year old girl with an aggressive skull tumor (COM-BP) |
409 | A man in his 80s with multiple cutaneous nodules (CP-1204) |
408 | Intradural mass of the cauda equina in a woman in her early 60's (COM-BP) |
407 | A 49-year-old white woman found dead in her bed (CP-1104) |
406 | A female in her 30s with a right iliac fossa mass (AP-1104) |
405 | Esophageal perforation with an unusual etiology (CP-1004) |
404 | A 71 year-old man with a left testicular mass (AP-1004) |
403 | A man in his late forties with progressive dementia (COM-BP) |
402 | A 6 year-old girl with headache and stiff neck (COM-BP) |
401 | Anemia and thrombocytopenian in a newborn (CP-0904) |
400 | An infant with pain over the left scrotum (AP-0904) |
399 | A woman in her 40s with left flank pain and symptoms of ureteral obstruction (CP-0804) |
398 | A transplant patient with multiple cutaneous malignancies and related fatal outcome (AP-0804) |
397 | A man in his mid-sixties with intermittent paresthesia of the abdomen and legs (COM-BP) |
396 | A man in his 40s with headaches and dyspnea (COM-BP) |
395 | A middle-aged man with intractable lower back pain (CP-0704) |
394 | A woman in her 60s with an incidental finding in the left ovary (AP-0704) |
393 | A male in his late 60's with recurrent extracerebral tumor (COM-BP) |
392 | A female in her 20s with pharyngitis, odynophagia, dysphagia (CP-0604) |
391 | A male in his 20s with HIV, diarrhea and abdominal pain (AP-0604) |
390 | A man in his 70's who has monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, or does he? (CP-0504) |
389 | A baby girl with a bulging eye (AP-0504) |
388 | Newborn with intracranial mass (COM-BP) |
387 | A woman in her 50s with a cervical intra- and extraspinal mass lesion (COM-BP) |
386 | A female in her 50s with a cystic lesion of the pancreas |
385 | A man in his 50s with fever, headache, and sore throat (CP-0404) |
384 | A man in his 70s with right upper quadrant and left-sided back pain (AP-0404) |
383 | A woman in her 20s with bifrontal headaches (COM-BP) |
382 | A baby boy with failure to thrive and respiratory insufficiency (CP-0304) |
381 | A man in his 40s with a 2-year history of epistaxis (COM-BP) |
380 | A woman in her 60s with hysterectomy (AP-0304, Purged) |
379 | An unusual pelvic mass in a female in her 60s (CP-0204) |
378 | A young woman with an unusual "cyst" (AP-0204) |
377 | A male in his 40s with a pancreatic mass (AP-0204) |
376 | An elderly man with frontal lobe tumor (COM-BP) |
375 | A woman in her 40s with endometriosis and bland glandular inclusions (AP-0104) |
374 | A male in his 30s scheduled for Liver transplant (CP-0104) |
373 | A woman in her 70s with a recurent meningeal mass (COM-BP) |
372 | A male in his 50s with chronic anemia (CP-1203) |
371 | A male in his 30s with a mediastinal mass (AP-1203) |
370 | A male in his 70s with a brain mass (AP-1103) |
369 | A female in her 20s with Refsum's disease (CP-1103) |
368 | Neonatal female with congenital brain tumor (COM-BP) |
367 | A man in his 50s with progressive aphasia and right-sided hemiplegia |
366 | A female in her 40s with repeated episodes of flushing, headache, shortness of breath, tachycardia and hypotension (CP-1003) |
365 | A female in her 70s with pelvic masses (AP-1003) |
364 | A woman in her 50s with sudden onset of diplopia (COM-BP) |
363 | A male in his 80s with left sided neck mass (AP-0903) |
362 | Myelodysplastic syndrome and bone marrow transplant engraftment failure (CP-0903) |
361 | A woman in her 70s with a right frontal lobe mass (COM-BP) |
360 | A woman in her 40s with a 7-year-history of osteomalacia and hypophosphatemia (COM-BP) |
359 | A male teenager with a brain mass (AP-0803) |
358 | A male in his 40s with severely compromised vision (CP-0803) |
357 | A female in her 60s with progressive muscular weakness (COM-BP) |
356 | Adolescents with ovarian masses (AP-0703) |
355 | A female in her 40s with severe transfusion reaction (CP-0703, Purged) |
354 | A male in his 30s with a frontal lobe mass (COM-BP) |
353 | A male in his 20s with multiple "atypical" nevi (AP-0603) |
352 | A teenager girl with severe behavioral problems (CP-0603) |
351 | A woman in her 50s with acute loss of strength in her right upper extremity and slurred speech (COM-BP) |
350 | A diabetic male in his 50s with necrotic pontine lesion (COM-BP) |
349 | A man in his 40s with severe headaches after a fall (CP-0503) |
348 | A man in his 70s with nausea and vomiting (AP-0503) |
347 | A woman in her 40s with microcalcifications on mammogram (AP-0403, Purged) |
346 | A young boy with microcephaly and developmental delay (CP0403) |
345 | A woman in her 40s with a solitary lesion in the liver (COM-BP) |
344 | A 30-year-old female with sinus pressure, headache and gingival hyperplasia (CP0303, Purged) |
343 | Ovarian mass in a 53-year-old woman with endometriosis (AP-add-0303) |
342 | A 27-year-old lady with a history of upper extremity numbness and weakness (AP-0303) |
341 | A 53 year old male with new onset seizures (COM-BP) |
340 | Familial adenomatous polyposis: A molecular diagnostic approach (CP0203) |
339 | A 56 year old female with a pancreatic mass (AP0203) |
338 | A 43 year-old woman with a palpable breast mass (AP-add-0103) |
337 | A 56 year old woman with right frontal tumor of the dura (COM-BP) |
336 | A 38 year-old male with multiple brain masses (CP0103) |
335 | A 15-year-old male with elevated ammonia levels (AP0103) |
334 | A 19-year old male with febrile illness after jet ski accident (COM-BP) |
333 | A 74 year old man with right flank pain (AP-add-1202) |
332 | A 58-year-old male with parasites in his blood (CP1202) |
331 | A 64-year-old female with left nipple discharge and an inverted nipple (AP1202) |
330 | A 72-year-old woman with a pineal gland mass (COM-BP) |
329 | A 38 year-old female with elevated tricyclic antidepressant levels (CP1102) |
328 | A 57-year-old woman with postmenopausal bleeding (AP-add-1102) |
327 | A 17 year-old female with left upper neck mass (AP1102) |
326 | A 27 year old female with epilepsy (COM-BP) |
325 | A 2-year-old boy with prolonged oral bleeding (CP1002) |
324 | A 27-year-old female with three week progressive headache, nausea and vomiting (AP1002) |
323 | A 24 year old female with a parieto-occipital tumor (COM-BP) |
322 | Rheumatoid arthritis and peripheral leukocytosis (CP0902) |
321 | A nasopharyngeal mass in an 87-year-old woman (AP0902) |
320 | A 21 year-old male with cystic intracerebral tumor (COM-BP) |
319 | Two weeks in Africa (CP0802) |
318 | A 74-year-old man with a right thigh mass (AP0802) |
317 | A 58 year old male with hyperglycosuria and normoglycemia (AP0702) |
316 | A 39 year-old female with metastasizing tunor (AP-add-0602) |
315 | A 60-year-old male with fever, chills, and shortness of breath (CP0702) |
314 | A 66 year-old female with a one-year history of progressive left proptosis (COM-BP) |
313 | A 57 year-old male with leptomeningeal and liver tumors (COM-BP) |
312 | A 62 year old female with progressive abdominal/pelvic pain (AP-add-0502) |
311 | A 14-year old female with emesis and cyanosis (CP0602) |
310 | A 51 year-old woman with a nasal mass (AP0602) |
309 | A 38 year-old man and 69 year old woman with dural based masses (COM-BP) |
308 | A 73 year old female with an enlarged axillary lymph node (AP0502, Purged) |
307 | A 56-year old male with dog bites (CP0502) |
306 | A 64-year-old woman with abdominal bloating and discomfort (AP-add-0402) |
305 | A 56 year old female with post transfusion hemolysis (CP0402) |
304 | A 35-year-old healthy man with enlarging right parotid mass (COM-BP) |
303 | A 67 year-old man with progressive shortness of breath (AP0402) |
302 | A 60-year-old woman with a history of marked abdominal distention (AP-add-0302) |
301 | A 28 year old woman with neck and back pain (COM-BP) |
300 | A 78-year-old male presented with a history of cervical adenopathy (CP0302) |
299 | A 46 year old man with a right lower lobe pulmonary mass (AP0302) |
298 | A 29 year old woman with a skull mass for two months (COM-BP) |
297 | A 35 year-old man with jaundice and weight loss (AP0202) |
296 | A 79-year old male with right neck mass (CP0202) |
295 | A 59 year-old woman with an intrasellar lesion (COM-BP) |
294 | An 80 year old woman with a left breast mass |
293 | A 55 year old male with drop in hemoglobin following platelet transfusion (CP0102) |
292 | A 30-year-old male with a mass in the right ischial rectal fossa (AP0102) |
291 | Rapidly progressive motor weakness, starting in pregnancy (COM-BP) |
290 | A 58 year old male with fevers, cutaneous nodules and cerebrovascular accident (AP1201) |
289 | A 40 year old man with a enlarged right axillary lymph node (CP1201) |
288 | A 67 year old man in coma requiring prolonged mechanical ventilation (COM-BP) |
287 | A 56 year old female with one lymph node metastasis and two oral squamous cell tumors (CP1101) |
286 | A 21 year old male with back pain and wobbly gait (AP1101) |
285 | An 83-year-old with post-operative bleeding (CP1001) |
284 | A 15 year old male with a left testicular mass (AP1001) |
283 | A 40 year old Xhosa male with back pain and leg weakness (COM-BP) |
282 | A 51 year old man with seizures since childhood (COM-BP) |
281 | A 53 year old woman with a parotid gland mass (AP0901) |
280 | Transfusion therapy in a 60-year-old with immunoglobulin deficiency (CP0901) |
279 | A case of T. californiensis conjunctival infestation in human (CP) |
278 | A 75-year-old woman with duodenal submucosal mass and anemia (CP0801) |
277 | A 44 year-old white male with a left flank mass (AP0801) |
276 | Sellar/suprasellar mass in a 59-year-old woman (COM-BP) |
275 | A 16 year old male with a right testicular mass (AP0701) |
274 | A 69 year-old female with bloody urine following transfusion (CP0701) |
273 | A 58 year old man with a temporal bone mass (COM-BP) |
272 | A 61 year old female with progressive confusion lethargy and headaches (COM-BP) |
271 | A 58 year old female with chronic myeloid leukemia (CP0601) |
270 | A 15-year-old girl with an ovarian mass (AP0601) |
269 | A 32 year old female with dural mass encircling cervical spinal cord (COM-BP) |
268 | A girl in coma (CP0501) |
267 | An 82 year-old woman with right-sided hydronephrosis (AP0501) |
266 | A 70 year-old woman with gait disorders (COM-BP) |
265 | A 62 year-old woman with back pain (AP0401) |
264 | A 77-year-old with acute onset of epistaxis (CP0401) |
263 | A 16 year old female with a cerebellar mass (COM-BP) |
262 | -A 42-year-old African male with diarrhea and urinary frequency (CP0301) |
261 | A 66 year-old male with a left thyroid mass (AP0301) |
260 | A 74 year old man with a history over 3 months of increasing dyspnea and malaise (COM-BP) |
259 | A 72 year-old male with lymphocytosis (CP0201, Purged) |
258 | A 71 year old woman with a mass in left breast (AP0201) |
257 | A 37 year-old man with a history of Hodgkin's disease (COM-BP) |
256 | A 16 year old female with left Inguinal and bilateral breast masses (CP0101) |
255 | A 69-year-old male with a history of colonic adenocarcinoma (AP0101) |
254 | A 6 month old boy with 2 week history of progressive lethargy (COM-BP) |
253 | A newborn with petechiae (CP1200) |
252 | A 75-year-old male with abdominal distension, weakness and anemia (AP1200) |
251 | A 13 year old girl with back pain and leg weakness (COM-BP) |
250 | A 3 year-old female with anemia and thrombocytopenia (CP1100) |
249 | A 59-year-old woman with a nodule in the right breast (AP1100) |
248 | A 4 year old girl with chronic otitis media (CP1000) |
247 | A 47-year-old man with multiple, en plaque, lymphoplasmacyte-rich meningioma (COM-BP) |
246 | A 43-year-old obese female with vague left hip discomfort and low back pain (AP1000) |
245 | A 15 year old girl with parietal lobe lesion (COM-BP) |
244 | A 71 year old woman with an adrenal mass (AP0900) |
243 | A 68 years old white female with worsening anemia, thrombocytopenia, renal insufficiency (CP0900) |
242 | Two patients with putamen and white matter necrosis and hemorrhage (COM-BP) |
241 | A 71 year-old man with acute renal failure (AP0800) |
240 | A 51 year old male with fatigue, easy bruising and cellulitis (CP0800, Purged) |
239 | A 24-year old man with flu-like symptoms (AP0700) |
238 | A 70-year old male with rigidity, decreased ocular movements, and dementia (COM-BP) |
237 | A 30 year old plumber with a flank mass for several months (CP0700) |
236 | A 69-year-old woman with a pancreatic mass |
235 | A 39 year old man with a mediastinal mass |
234 | A 48-year-old man with progressive muscular weakness |
233 | A 40 year old man with chronic sinusitis |
232 | A 68-year-old woman with a history of progressive hearing loss (COM-BP) |
231 | A 41 year old male with swelling and ulceration of the uvula and soft palate (CP0600) |
230 | A 34 year old male with a large right lung mass (AP0600) |
229 | A 35 Year old male with a left temporal lobe mass (COM-BP) |
228 | A 47 year old woman with increased thirst, lethargy and a body weight gain (CP0400) |
227 | A 72 year-old woman with a large anterior abdominal mass (AP0400, Purged) |
226 | A 75 year old female with bilateral pneumonia (CP0300) |
225 | A 43-year-old male with generalized epileptic seizures (COM-BP) |
224 | A stillborn fetus with a placental abnormality |
223 | A 37-year-old female with sudden onset of cardiac arrhythmias following a flu-like illness (AP0300) |
222 | A 5 month old boy with occipital bone mass (COM-BP) |
221 | Dementia with motor dysfunction in a patient with liver disease (COM-BP) |
220 | A 46-year-old HIV-positive man with a destructive palate lesion (CP0100) |
219 | A 67 year old post transplant patient with cutaneous nodules and ulcers (AP0100) |
218 | A 21 year old male with a cystic tumor in his right thigh (CP0100) |
217 | A 55 year old woman with left chest mass (AP0100) |
216 | A 12 year old boy with recent onset seizures (COM-BP) |
215 | A 40-year-old white female with lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate |
214 | A 71 year-old woman with progressive sensori-motor polyneuropathy (COM-BP) |
213 | A 36 years old male with left internal carotid artery thrombosis |
212 | A 48 year old woman with new onset diplopia and mental status changes |
211 | A 39 year-old female with a cavitary lesion in the right upper lung lobe |
210 | A 56 year-old woman with left facial numbness |
209 | A 46 year old woman with solid mass in the right breast (Purged) |
208 | a 70 year old female with seizures and progressive dementia |
207 | A 24 year-old female with progressive lower extremity dystonia, dysarthia, dysphagia and mental impairment |
206 | A 67-year-old male with intermittent confusion, fever of unknown origin, and lower extremity weakness |
205 | A 30 year old female with a painful left index finger |
204 | A 49 year old woman with visual disturbances |
203 | An 84 year old man with bladder outlet obstruction |
202 | A 66 year old man with a subacute multi-system disorder and polyneuropathy |
201 | A 19 month old boy with a renal mass |
200 | Cervical lymphadenopathy in a young female |
199 | A 78 year old man with rectal mass |
198 | A 22 years old female with intraventricular mass |
197 | A 47 year old man with monoclonal protein in his serum |
196 | A 64-year-old woman with a long history of irritable bowel syndrome |
195 | A 16-year-old male with history of low grade astrocytoma |
194 | A 35 year old female with shortness of breath presenting as atypical pneumonia (Purged) |
193 | A 68 year-old female with extremely labored breathing |
192 | An 18 year old man with a testicular mass |
191 | A 44-year-old man with a bleeding intracerebral tumour |
190 | A 16-year-old boy with severe abdominal pain |
189 | A 52 year old woman with gastrointestinal bleeding and a history of rheumatoid arthritis |
188 | An eighty-one year old woman with an axillary mass |
187 | A 62-year-old male with fatigue and malaise |
186 | A 75-year-old male with oligoarthritis and localized swellings |
185 | A 26 year old HIV positive male with dura based masses |
184 | A 54 year old man with severe muscle weakness |
183 | A 68-year-old woman with a history of bilateral back pain and fever |
182 | A 31-year-old female with a right upper quadrant cyst |
181 | A 39 year old man with lung abscess |
180 | Fetus with echogenic mass in third ventricle |
179 | Intraventricaular mass in a 4 year old girl |
178 | Profiles of total CK, CK-MB and troponin I in two cases of acute myocardial infarction |
177 | A 16 year old female with headaches, lethargy and a sellar/suprasellar mass |
176 | A 12 year old girl with pulmonary nodules |
175 | A 72 year old white female with respiratory distress |
174 | A 79 year old white male with pain, swelling and decreased function of left knee |
173 | A 70 year old woman with SLE, paraproteinemia and polyneuropathy |
172 | A 72-year old man with a distal pancreatic mass |
171 | A 39 year old woman with fatigue and weight loss |
170 | A 61 year old man with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and renal failure |
169 | A 61 year-old male with brain tumor and oral, lung, and palpebral masses |
168 | An 82 year old female with right neck mass |
167 | An 83 year old female with bloody vaginal discharge |
166 | A 63 year-old woman with right-sided mass involving kidney and liver |
165 | A 52 year old female with abdominal mass |
164 | A 24 year-old female with transfusion reaction |
163 | A 9 year old girl with small bowel malabsorption |
162 | An 18 year old male with large cystic orbital tumor |
161 | A 28 year old man with dilated cardiomyopathy |
160 | A transplant recipient with fevers and mental status changes |
159 | A 66 year old man with macrocytic anemia (Purged) |
158 | A 49-year-old male with substernal chest pain |
157 | A 45 year old man with headache, ataxia, and impairment of the state of balance |
156 | A 38 year old kidney transplant patient with progressive mental status change |
155 | A 29 year old man with anosmia and decreased vision in the right eye |
154 | A 21 year old man with new-onset seizures and a temporal lobe mass |
153 | A 74 year old man with sepsis |
152 | A 2 year old girl with right upper quadrant mass |
151 | A 2 year old boy with lumbosacral mass |
150 | A 25 year old women with renal failure, anemia and thrombocytopenia |
149 | A 36 year old male with HIV infection and multiple cranial neuritis |
148 | A 20 year old male with nephrotic syndrome and gross hematuria |
147 | A 24 year old man with end-stage restrictive lung disease and liver disease |
146 | A 68 year old man with fevers |
145 | A 64 year old male with a five-month history of dysphagia |
144 | A 41 year old female with Cushing's syndrome |
143 | A 35 year old woman with a history of arthralgia and myalgia |
142 | A 30 year old male with various sensory abnormalities |
141 | A 74-year-old male with a history of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and malignant melanoma (Purged) |
140 | A 54-year old female with a left breast mass |
139 | A 48 year old male with back pain, progressive right leg weakness and bilateral lower leg numbness |
138 | A 76 year old white male with dyspnea and leukocytosis (Purged) |
137 | A 32 year old male with recurrent fevers of unknown origin |
136 | An 11-year-old girl with a firm mass on the left frontal region |
135 | An 82 year old Caucasian female with progressive visual deficits |
134 | A 26 year old white female with a right upper anterior thigh lesion |
133 | A 22 year old male with postoperative abdominal discomfort |
132 | A 43 year old Caucasian male with progressive right lower extremity radicular pain |
131 | A 68 year old man with an anterior mediastinal mass |
130 | A 48 year old woman with chronic myalgias after exercise |
129 | A 36 year old female with multiple myxomas and thyroid cancer |
128 | A 36 year old female with early intrauterine loss of twin B |
127 | A 24-day-old term infant with seizures |
126 | Dura based occipital mass in a forty-One year old female |
125 | A 65 year old woman with renal insufficiency |
124 | A 37 year old man with fever and a hilar pulmonary mass |
123 | A 19 year old male with frontal lobe tumor |
122 | Lash's Bitters: biochemical analysis of a historical proprietary medicine |
121 | A sixty two year old man with a left supraclavicular mass |
120 | A 26 year old woman with new onset siezures |
119 | A neonate with intracranial hemorrhage and seizure activity |
118 | A 67 year old man with a lytic and blastic lesion of left tibia |
117 | A 13 year-old girl with progressive movement disorder |
116 | A fourty-two year old woman with right breast mass |
115 | A 20 year old woman with anemia and abdominal pain |
114 | Diabetic Male with Transient Ischemic Attacks |
113 | A fifty-eight year old female with dizziness and headache |
112 | A fourty two year old man with left facial weakness |
111 | A twenty eight years old female with progressive dyspnea and bilteral pulmonary infiltrates |
110 | A premature baby with late onset oligohydramnios and grossly normal kidneys |
109 | A 42 year old male with oral cysts and numerous skin lesions |
108 | Transfusion reaction in a fifty-eight year old man |
107 | A sixty-seven year old female with skin lesion |
106 | A thirty-one year old woman with seizures, fatigue and attention deficits |
105 | A sixty eight year old female with a large mass in the right kidney |
104 | A 3 1/2 month old child with anemia, neutropenia, and lactic acidosis |
103 | A nineteen year old man with progressive low back pain |
102 | A thirty two year old man with mental status changes and a severe occipital headache |
101 | A sixty seven year old woman with abnormal preoperative RBC type and crossmatch testing |
100 | A thirty-three year old woman with post coital bleeding and vaginal discharge |
099 | A four-year old girl with atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor of the CNS with ring chromosome 22 abnormality |
098 | A thirty-three year old male with a perminent intravascular catheter |
097 | A sixty nine year old male with pigmented lesion on his right ear |
096 | An eight-year old boy with skin rash and proteinuria |
095 | A nine-year old girl presented with nausea, vomiting and hydrocephalus |
094 | A fifty-seven year old female with pelvic mass (Purged) |
093 | A twenty-six year old female with peritonitis |
092 | A seven year old girl with seizures |
091 | A three week old baby girl with loss of body weight, facial and skeletal abnormalies |
090 | A twenty two month old girl with a cervicomedullary mass |
089 | A fifty-nine year old male with lung mass |
088 | A fourty-four year old HIV positive man died following bleeding from mouth and nose |
087 | A twenty-two year old male with acute leukemia, nodular skin lesion, and splenomegaly |
086 | Patients with progressive neurologic disorders |
085 | A premature baby with lethargy and coma |
084 | A seventy-one year old female with neck pain |
083 | A two-month old boy with symptoms and signs of insecticite poisoning |
082 | A two-year old girl with skin lesion on right arm |
081 | A fifty-one year old woman with new rapidly progressive weakness |
080 | A fifty-two year old woman with skin and soft tissue infection of the left foot |
079 | A fourty-four year old woman with new brain lesion |
078 | A sixty eight year old male with renal insufficiency |
077 | A thirty eight year old male with a history of fatigue and edema |
076 | Retroperitoneal masses in a 45 year old man and a 42 year old woman |
075 | A fourty one year old female with complications of pregnancy |
074 | An eleven year old female with frontal lobe mass |
073 | A three-week old infant with hemangioma and severe thrombocytopenia |
072 | A nine 1/2 year old boy with pain in left proximal medial thigh |
071 | A four year old girl with precocious puberty |
070 | Maculopapular rash in a thirty eight year old female |
069 | Complement monitoring in a fourty-five year old female with systemic lupus erythematosis |
068 | A thirty-two year old female with new onset weakness |
067 | A twenty-nine year old female with fever and hemoptysis |
066 | A nine month old infant with hydrocephalus |
065 | A twenty-seven year old man with right adrenal mass |
064 | A sixty year old man with coccygeal mass |
063 | A sixty-five year old male with abdominal pain |
062 | Fever and severe rigors during transfusion in a 55-year-old woman |
061 | A seventy-four year old man with a history of scleroderma and recent rapidly progressive renal insufficiency |
060 | A seventy year old man with peritonitis (Purged) |
059 | A twenty-two year old man with weakness and white matter lesions |
058 | A twenty year old man with chronic refractory pulmonary hypertension |
057 | Severe headache and fever in a 55 year old male status post liver and kidney transplantations |
056 | Sore throat and leukocytosis in a 68 year old female (Purged) |
055 | A sixty-five year old female with a right neck mass |
054 | Complete heart block in a 9 year old boy status post small bowel and kidney transplants |
053 | Fever, purpura and hypotension in a 20 year old male |
052 | Left paravertebral mass in a 20 month old boy |
051 | A seventy-three year old male with acute renal failure |
050 | Left neck mass in 6 year old girl five years post liver transplant |
049 | A neonate with lethargy and hyperammonemia |
048 | A fifty-six year old female with chronic hypertension |
047 | A twenty year old male with confusion, agitation and unresponsiveness |
046 | A fifty-five year old female with hemoptysis |
045 | A fifty-five year old male with anterior cervical neck mass |
044 | A thirty-five year old man with pain in lower thigh |
043 | Intermittent fevers in a 43 year old black male |
042 | A fifty-four year old man with a right cheek mass |
041 | Mesenteric adenopathy in a 57 year old woman, status post kidney transplant in 1983 |
040 | A thirty-three year old man with a testicular lesion |
039 | A seventy-three year old Jewish female with anemia of unknown etiology |
038 | Painful left knee mass in a 58 year old male |
037 | A six year old male with worsening lymphadenopathy on amoxicillin |
036 | Gastric mass in a 70 year old male with weight loss |
035 | Renal tumor in a 44 year old male |
034 | A fifty-seven year old female with an anterior mediastinal mass |
033 | A fifty-nine year old female with an enlarged left inguinal lymph node |
032 | A seventy-nine year old male with frontal headache |
031 | A fifty year old woman on Norpace with tachycardia |
030 | A seventy-two year old male with abdominal pain, anorexia and weight loss |
029 | A sixty-nine year old female with hypertension of unknown etiology |
028 | A forty-four year old female with left lower quadrant pain and diarrhea (Purged) |
027 | A twenty year old male restrained passenger involved in an automobile accident |
026 | A forty-two year old man with hip pain |
025 | A fifty-nine year old female with a right atrial mass (Purged) |
024 | An eighty year old female with a neck mass |
023 | A fifty-two year old male with "cholelithiasis" |
022 | A forty-one year old female with liver failure |
021 | A forty-five year old female with acute liver failure |
020 | A thirty-six year old male with renal failure |
019 | A forty-seven year-old female requiring repeat heart transplantation |
018 | A thirty-four year-old liver transplant patient |
017 | A forty-three year-old male with a history of hepatitis C |
016 | Maxillary cyst in a 36 year old male |
015 | Bladder mass in a 57 year old woman |
014 | Right cerebellopontine angle mass in a 64 year old woman |
013 | Disorientation in a 43 year old woman with cirrhosis |
012 | Bladder mass in a 73 year old male |
011 | Brainstem mass in a 2 year old female |
010 | Osteolytic lesion of the tibia in a 12 year old male |
009 | A twenty-five year old female with a liver mass (Purged) |
008 | Neck mass in a 34 year old male |
007 | Spinal mass in a 62 year old man with carcinoid tumor |
006 | A seventeen year old female with nipple discharge and irregular menses |
005 | Brain mass in a 47 year old HIV positive man |
004 | Brain mass in a 62 year old woman |
003 | A sixty-eight year old woman with brain mass in temporal lobe |
002 | Hematuria and azotemia in a 60 year old male with aortic aneurysms |
001 | A fifty year old man with a submandibular mass |