Contributed by Christine C. Dorvault, MD and Ronald Jaffe, MD
Published on line in July 1998
A two year old white female was seen for a routine well child examination. On physical examination, a right upper quadrant mass was palpable. Serum alpha fetoprotein was 44,240 ng/mL at the time of admission.
The scout film (Image 01) from the CT scan revealed a heterogeneous intrahepatic mass which extended through the diaphragm into the right lower thoracic cavity. The axial non-contrast enhanced CT scan showed a heterogeneous intrahepatic mass (Image 02) with areas containing fibroadipose tissue, soft tissue, and calcifications. At the level of the heart (Image 03), the CT scan showed a right sided paraspinal mass which on adjacent sections was in continuity with the intrahepatic mass.