Contributed by Leena Lourduraj, MD and Lydia C Contis, MD
Published on line in September 2002
The patient is a 75-year-old male with history of pulmonary hypertension, congestive heart failure, rheumatoid arthritis and adenocarcinoma of the prostate. Six months ago he presented with leukocytosis and was diagnosed by flow cytometry as having large granular lymphocytic proliferation. The present bone marrow was done to evaluate his condition. At the same time molecular studies and cytogenetics were also performed.
Peripheral Blood (Complete Blood Cell Count) :
Patient Value | Normal range | |
WBC | 25.6x10E+9/L | 3.8 - 10.6 |
RBC | 3.93x10E+12/L | 4.13 - 5.57/3.73 - 4.89 |
Hct | 31.7% | 38.0 - 48.8/34.1 - 43.3 |
Hgb | 10.2 g/dl Hgb | 12.9 - 6.9/11.6 - 14.6 |
MCV | 80.5 fl | 82.6 - 97.4 |
MCH | 25.9 pg | 27.8 - 33.4 |
MCHC | 32.2 gm/dl | 32.7 - 35.5 |
RDW | 21.5% | 11.8 - 15.2 |
PLT | 112x10E+9/L | 156 - 369 |
Peripheral Blood Differential | Percentage of cells | Absolute number | Normal range for absolute |
POLYS | 2% | 0.51 | 2.24 - 7.68 |
LYMPHS | 93% | 23.81 | 0.80 - 3.65 |
MONOS | 5% | 1.28 | 0.30 - 0.90 |
The following was the result of the Bone Marrow Differential done on the aspirate smear:
Bone marrow Differential | Patient Value | Adult Mean | Normal Range |
Blast | 0% | 1.0 | 0.0 - 2.0 |
Promyelocyte | 3.7% | 3.0 | 2.0 - 4.0 |
Myelocyte | 2.7% | 12.0 | 8.0 - 16.0 |
Metamyelocyte | 2.7% | 17.0 | 10.0 - 25.0 |
Band | 3.0% | 12.0 | 9.0 - 18.0 |
PMN | 1.7% | 9.0 | 7.0 - 14.0 |
Eos Myelo/Meta | 1.7% | 2.0 | 1.0 - 4.0 |
Eos Band | 0.3% | 1.0 | 0.0 - 3.0 |
Eos Seg | 3.0% | 1.0 | 1.0 - 2.0 |
Basophil | 0% | 0.0 | 0.0 - 0.2 |
Monocytes | 0% | 1.0 | 0.0 - 2.0 |
Pronormoblasts | 3.3% | 1.0 | 0.0 - 1.0 |
Normoblasts | 30.7% | 24.0 | 16.0 - 32.0 |
Lymphocytes | 44.6% | 16.0 | 11.0 - 23.0 |
Plasma Cells | 2.7% | 2.0 | 0.0 - 3.0 |
Other | 0% |