The first step please contact genome center (Dr. Luo for potential projects and determine the alternative platforms and the best platform for the research goal. Both cost-efficiency and best scientific approach to address the scientific questions will be considered. Questions regarding sample preparation will be addressed in this stage.
All samples received for sequencing or arraying analyses will be subjected to a quality control assay to determine whether the samples are in good quality and quantity to proceed to the next step of the analysis.
For both service and collaboration project, once the raw data are obtained, we will perform preliminary normalization analysis and sequence alignment. The *.BAM file data will then be sent to the investigator, or Dr. Liu will discuss with the investigator for further bioinformatics and biostatistics analyses.
​Professor of Pathology
Director of High Throughput Genome Center
Scaife Hall S760, 3550 Terrace Street, Pittsburgh, PA, 15261