Microscopic Description -- Anemia


Peripheral Blood
WBC 8.8 10x9/L
RBC 2.35 10x12/L
Hgb 7.2 g/dL
Hct 21.7 %
MCV 92.4 fL
MCH 30.8 fL
MCHC 33.3 g/dL
RDW 13.5 %
PLT 167 10x9/L
Retic 1.0 %
Retic 0.222 10x12/L

Peripheral Blood Differential
Cell Type Percentage Abs. No.
Polys 84 % 7.40
Bands 4 % 0.35
Lymphs 8 % 0.70
Atyp. Lymphs
Monos 4 % 0.35

The peripheral blood smear was reviewed.

RED BLOOD CELL MORPHOLOGY: The red blood cells show slight anisocytosis, slight hypochromia, slight macrocytosis, occasional microcytes, moderate ovalocytes , moderate poikilocytosis, and rare polychromasia.

PLATELETS are adequate with occasional giant forms seen.

BONE MARROW: The marrow aspirate smear is adequate (2 aspirate smears and 1 touch imprint reviewed). The marrow biopsy is adequate.

Bone Marrow Differential
Blasts 0.7%
Promyelos 9.3 %
Myelos 13.7 %
Metamyelos 13.7 %
Bands 16.3 %
PMN 12.0 %
Eos Myelo/Metas 1.3 %
Eos Bands 0 %
Eos Segs 2.3 %
Basos 0 %
Monos 1.0 %
Pronormos 1.7 %
Normos 14.3 %
Lymphos 16.0 %
Plasma Cells 5.7 %
Others 0 %
Myeloid:Erythroid Ratio 4.4
Total # of cells counted: 300

The marrow is normocellular (approximately 30% cellular) . Numerous Gaucher or pseudo-gaucher cells are seen, focally in clusters. Occasional erythrophagocytosis and nuclear debris within these cells is seen. Mast cells and plasma cells appear mildly increased. The myeloid/erythroid ratio is increased. Erythroid maturation is complete. Myeloid maturation is complete. Megakaryocytes are present in normal numbers. Stainable iron is abundant. There are no ringed sideroblasts identified. The bony trabeculae show osteoblastic rimming.

Final Diagnoses


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