Gross Description -- Bladder Mass


The specimen is received in five parts.

Part 1:

Part 1 is labeled "right pelvic lymph node". The specimen consists of a segment of large and irregular yet fatty tissue weighing approximately 10 grams and measuring 8.5 x 4.0 x 1.0 cm in greatest size. Examination of the specimen shows a few lymph nodes are which separated from the adjacent fibrofatty tissue and submitted in cassettes 1A and 1B.

Part 2:

Part 2 is labeled "left pelvic lymph nodes". The specimen consists of a segment of tan-yellow, irregular fibrofatty tissue weighing approximately 12 grams and measuring 7.0 x 5.0 x 2.0 cm. Examination of this specimen showed a large lymph node measuring 3.5 cm in greatest size. Cut surface of this lymph node shows white-yellowish, solid material and appears to be metastatic carcinoma. A section is quick frozen (-70 c) for future analysis. Sections of specimen are submitted for routine histology.

Part 3:

Part 3 is labeled "prostate and bladder". The specimen weighs 190 gram and measures 17 cm in length and up to 9.0 cm in diameter. The urinary bladder and portions of the prostate are covered by yellowish, fatty tissue. All of the surgical margins marked by black dye. The prostate gland is separated from urinary bladder and dissected separately. The prostate gland and attached seminal vesicles weighs approximately 30 grams. The prostate measures 4.0 x 3.0 x 3.0 cm. The seminal vesicles measure 3.0 cm in length and up to 1.5 cm in diameter. All of the resection surgical margins are marked by black dye. The distal urethral surgical margin is sampled first and placed in cassette 3R as razor. The remaining specimen is serially sectioned distal to proximal, perpendicular to the urethral lumen. The cut surface is tan and smooth. Grossly no obvious lesion is identified within. Examination of the seminal vesicles show no gross abnormality. Serially sectioned whole mounts labeled 2, 4 and 6 are submitted at quick frozen (-70c) for future analysis. Section labeled 3 is submitted for whole mount histology, section labeled 5 is divided into right and left lobes and submitted for routine histology. Segments of specimen are submitted for electron microscopy, OCT medium, tissue culture and research. Gross digital photos are taken. The urinary bladder measures approximately 7.0 cm in length and up to 4.0 cm in diameter. External examination of the specimen shows no obvious extension of the tumor to the serosal surface. The specimen is opened through the anterior wall. Examination of the mucosal surface of the urinary bladder show a medium size tumor measuring 1.2 cm in greatest size and up to 0.8 cm in depth. This is located at left and posterior wall of the urinary bladder. Adjacent to above mentioned lesion, there are a few mucosal nodules measuring up to 0.5 cm in greatest size. Examination of the mucosal surface also show a brown papillary type nodule measuring 0.5 cm in greatest size which is located at right lateral wall of the urinary bladder, close to the trigone area. No other obvious lesion is identified. Examination of the distal portions of right and left ureter showed no obvious gross lesions. Careful examination of the fatty tissue attached to the urinary bladder showed no obvious lymph nodes. A section of tumor as well as normal tissue is submitted for research. Sections of the specimen are submitted at OCT medium. Gross digital photos are taken.

Part 4:

Part 4 is labeled "right distal ureter". It consists of a smooth, rubbery, gray tubular segment of tissue, 0.3 cm in length x 0.3 cm in diameter with a 0.1 cm in diameter wall thickness. This tubular segment of tissue is encased in yellow, soft tissue 1.2 x 0.4 x 0.3 cm overall dimensions. The specimen is entirely submitted for frozen section evaluation. The remaining frozen section is entirely submitted in cassette labeled 4A.

Part 5:

Part 5 is labeled "left distal ureter" and consists of a 1.0 x 1.0 x 0.5 cm portion of yellow, soft tissue containing a 0.3 cm in length x 0.4 cm. in diameter tubular segment of smooth, gray ureter. The ureter has a wall thickness of 0.1 cm. The specimen is entirely submitted for frozen section evaluation. The remaining frozen section is entirely submitted labeled 5A.





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