Case Index by Patient History - 1998

Case Index by Patient History - Complete Listing

* Case contributed by other medical institution

Disclaimer: Review of the case(s) is intended for educational purposes ONLY, NOT for research.

177A 16 year old female with headaches, lethargy and a sellar/suprasellar mass *
176A 12 year old girl with pulmonary nodules
175A 72 year old white female with respiratory distress
174A 79 year old white male with pain, swelling and decreased function of left knee
173A 70 year old woman with SLE, paraproteinemia and polyneuropathy*
172A 72-year old man with a distal pancreatic mass
171A 39 year old woman with fatigue and weight loss
170A 61 year old man with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and renal failure
169A 61 year-old male with brain tumor and oral, lung, and palpebral masses*
168An 82 year old female with right neck mass
167An 83 year old female with bloody vaginal discharge
166A 63 year-old woman with right-sided mass involving kidney and liver
165A 52 year old female with abdominal mass*
164A 24 year-old female with transfusion reaction
163A 9 year old girl with small bowel malabsorption
162An 18 year old male with large cystic orbital tumor*
161A 28 year old man with dilated cardiomyopathy
160A transplant recipient with fevers and mental status changes
159A 66 year old man with macrocytic anemia (Purged)
158A 49-year-old male with substernal chest pain
157A 45 year old man with headache, ataxia, and impairment of the state of balance*
156A 38 year old kidney transplant patient with progressive mental status change
155A 29 year old man with anosmia and decreased vision in the right eye
154A 21 year old man with new-onset seizures and a temporal lobe mass*
153A 74 year old man with sepsis
152A 2 year old girl with right upper quadrant mass
151A 2 year old boy with lumbosacral mass*
150A 25 year old women with renal failure, anemia and thrombocytopenia
149A 36 year old male with HIV infection and multiple cranial neuritis*
148 A 20 year old male with nephrotic syndrome and gross hematuria
147 A 24 year old man with end-stage restrictive lung disease and liver disease
146 A 68 year old man with fevers
145 A 64 year old male with a five-month history of dysphagia
144 A 41 year old female with Cushing's syndrome
143 A 35 year old woman with a history of arthralgia and myalgia
142A 30 year old male with various sensory abnormalities*
141A 74-year-old male with a history of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and malignant melanoma (Purged)
140A 54-year old female with a left breast mass
139A 48 year old male with back pain, progressive right leg weakness and bilateral lower leg numbness*
138A 76 year old white male with dyspnea and leukocytosis (Purged)
137A 32 year old male with recurrent fevers of unknown origin
136An 11-year-old girl with a firm mass on the left frontal region
135An 82 year old Caucasian female with progressive visual deficits
134A 26 year old white female with a right upper anterior thigh lesion
133A 22 year old male with postoperative abdominal discomfort
132A 43 year old Caucasian male with progressive right lower extremity radicular pain*
131A 68 year old man with an anterior mediastinal mass
130A 48 year old woman with chronic myalgias after exercise
129A 36 year old female with multiple myxomas and thyroid cancer
128A 36 year old female with early intrauterine loss of twin B
127A 24-day-old term infant with seizures
126Dura based occipital mass in a forty-One year old female*
125A 65 year old woman with renal insufficiency