Case Index by Diagnosis - 1994

Case Index by Diagnosis - Complete Listing

* Case contributed by other medical institution

Disclaimer: Review of the case(s) is intended for educational purposes ONLY, NOT for research.

009A twenty-five year old female with leiomyosarcoma (Purged)
008Paraganglioma in a 34 year old male
007A sixty-two year old man with a carcinoid tumor metastatic to the spine
006A seventeen year old female with pituitary adenoma
005B cell large cell lymphoma in a 47 year old HIV positive man
004Metastatic adenocarcinoma in a 62 year old woman
003A sixty-eight year old woman with glioblastoma in temporal lobe
002Polycystic disease in a 60 year old male with aortic aneurysms
001A fifty year old man with a pleomorphic adenoma ex carcinoma